Sunday, November 20, 2011

Christmas is coming SOON!!!

So...I like Christmas. I love Christmas. I LOVE Christmas. And I am now going to tell you so much about our Christmases that you probably won't even read this whole post =). Oh well, it will be fun to write it.
For us Christmas starts the day after Thanksgiving...'cause we are just THAT awesome =). We go to Apple Hill, to our favorite Christmas tree farm, Robert's. We have a very high ceiling in our living room so we used to get the twelve-thirteen footers. But last year we got a six or seven foot one, and we really liked it. So I am gonna ask for another smaller one.

We always used to invite friends to our Tree Day expedition, but in the last few years we have been growing up, and most of our friends are either my friends or Zack's friends or what ever. We don't have that many friends who the ENTIRE family would really LOVE to have up for Tree Day, who aren't already busy. And this is a special day for us so it has to be a family that we ALL love. So for the last few years we haven't invited anyone. But this year I had an inspired idea (yes it was mine, and never let anyone tell you different =P) on the way home from dance class, my dad and I were discussing how to get some friends up to our house and it hit me "Dad, lets ask them to come for Tree Day!" It was a perfect idea. Every one agreed. Dad texted Mrs. Krouse, and she said they could come! We still aren't sure if the boys can come (it would be very sad if they can't) but we love Mr. and Mrs. Krouse and we are gonna have tons of fun with them =).

Now the Bitter Drop in the cup, there are three drops actually.

Bitter Drop number one: Madelaine (my older/only sister) is at collidge and can't get home for Thanksgiving or - more importantly - Tree Day. Sniff sniff

Bitter Drop number two: Zack (my oldest brother) has to go to WORK on Tree Day. Sniff sniff sniff.

Bitter Drop number three (which isn't all bitter, but is somewhat bitter): My brothers' friends have created a tradition of having a FOOTBALL game on TREE DAY! How dare they? But the not-so-bitter side of this is; I get to spend the afternoon by my self listening to my Christmas music, baking and decorating the house. Which is pretty fun =).

Actually the fact that the Krouse boys might not be able to come is a possible Bitter Drop number four. But I can't very well put it as a Bitter Drop 'cause we don't know if it is gonna happen =). __________________________________________________________________________

I play the piano. Not very well, but I do  play. And that is another reason I love Christmas. Carols, are surprisingly easy to play (and make sound pretty good). The first Christmas carol of the year that I play is Oh Christmas Tree when we bring in the Christmas tree and set it up in the living room.

Technically we don't start playing/listening to Christmas music 'till Tree Day, but I always start a little early, when I am by my now =).

Our Christmas tradition pretty much ROCKS. I give you permission to copy it if you want to, but never forget that we started it =).

We start putting presents under the tree as soon as we have them (or if you think ahead as soon as you have the tree). At least us kids do. Mom and Dad put the ones from them under the tree while they stuff our stockings, after we are all in bed. We always eat Christmas Eve Dinner out on our upstairs deck, by candle light. We have bread and cheese and sparkling cider, and read the Christmas story. Then we go to church. When we get home we open one 'tree present' each, decide on a time to open stockings the next morning and go to bed, while Mom and Dad stuff our stockings.

The next morning we all come out as we wake up...or at least us kids do. Mom and Dad lie in bed talking loudly until the appointed time. In resent years my younger brother and I then go drag our older brothers out of bed, and we open the stockings. Then we eat Dutch Babies for breakfast. No we are not cannibals, Dutch Babies are also known as German Pancakes or Puff Oven Pancakes. They are SUBLIME!!! After that we open the rest of the 'tree presents'. That's pretty much as far as tradition takes us. After that it's just hang out and have a good time, 'till dinner. We have a really good dinner, the content of which varies. Sometimes it's honey baked ham, sometimes  it's Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding. But - like I said - it is ALWAYS really good =).

That's all for now =). I wonder how many people have actually read this far?

Love Y'all!

P.S. You might have noticed the Christmasy new template? Yeah well...I told you I LOVE Christmas =)


  1. I just re-read last years 'looking forward to Christmas' post. It wasn't nearly as long but it started out almost just the same way! lol I guess I am not very good at thinking up different ways to say similar things =).

  2. I read the whole thing! And enjoyed it a lot. You should take pictures of the Christmas decor and the tree and whatever you're baking and post those. And I'm sorry for your Bitter Drops -- and that I contributed to one of them!! But I'll see you soon.

