Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hello again.

And once again it's been months. But I realized something today, I don't really blog for other people I blog for me. I know that sounds selfish, and maybe it is but blogging is how I process when I feel like I've done nothing at all - it helps me remember all the really mundane, but important things that happen in my life - or when I want to document an idea (I was trying this morning to remember what my brother and I wanted to do for next holloween...and now I remember.) or a thought or just when I want to put a caption to a picture but that caption is to long for Pinterest =).

However a friend of mine recently told me that she had read my blog and liked it, and that made me feel loved =) So hi Hannah!!! I love you!

Today I am blogging for a few reasons one of them being, I want to tell you something (for once a post for YOU, who ever you may be) there is a wonderful world about to be opened to you (unless you already know it in which case, I like you) The world of...wait for it...Doctor Who.

I saw this picture on Pinterest recently and I'm gonna let it describe the show to you, 'cause it does a really good job. So here you go.

If you need more incentive to watch it, here you go.

And if you need yet more (and are a girl)

Admittedly David Tennant (above) is only in seasons 2-4 but he's amazing! But so are Christopher Ecclston (season 1) and Matt Smith (seasons 5-current). 

David Tennant is the only celebrity crush I have ever had, and I will proudly own up to being head over heels in love with him, 'cause he is adorable, a brilliant actor, became an actor because he loved Doctor Who, and (trump card) in real life he has a Scottish accent. I rest my case.

Any way. The other reason I'm blogging. 

I've been thinking a lot lately for a few reasons. Reason one: that's what Doctor Who does to you. It makes you think. Reason two: I have eleven days left of being sixteen, and that was really depressing me 'cause sixteen was supposed to be "such a great year but wasn't". And then I was talking to my sister-in-law and she started listing all the great stuff I've gotten to do this year. I've made amazing friends, become closer than ever with my older sister, gotten a new sister, gotten more involved with my church, become closer with God, learned to drive, started watching Doctor Who, and made some wonderful memories.

And you know what? Seventeen will probably be amazing. 

Thanks for reading.


P.S. I just realized that I use a blog like a diary. Just writing down what ever random thoughts are running through my mind. Hmm.