Saturday, November 27, 2010


Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year.

For us it always starts the day after Thanksgiving when we go to Roberts Christmas Tree Farm and get our tree. Usually we go for the 10-13 foot ones, the kind that have to be tied to the ceiling. But this year we opted for a 7 footer. I like it better, it doesn't take up the whole living room like the old ones used to, and it just stands there! It doesn't need to be tied to anything! It's like magic!

This year my brothers all went and played a football game before we went treeing. I was up before Mom and by the time she came down stairs the stockings were up, the Nutcrackers were on the media cabinet and I was putting bells on the front door. 

We are listening to Charlie Brown Christmas music by Vince Guaraldi. That guy has incredible piano fingers!


1 comment:

  1. That's such a great tradition! I wish my family would get our tree the day after Thanksgiving too. :-/ My parents usually prefer to wait until December to get it. That way it lasts through the beginning of January. *shrugs* I can wait. I just think its great the way y'all do it. :)

    And I was decorating the house all day today, and I'm *still* not done! That's what comes of having 8 tubs of Christmas decorations, I suppose. :D

    Merry Christmas, Claire! <3
