Friday, September 2, 2011

"Your will be done"

Today my mom, my little brother, and I are going to go out to a movie. My brother hasn't desided what movie yet. It's between, Harry Potter, (which he hasn't seen yet =O) Pirates Of The Carabian, (which he also hasn't seen yet =O) Cowboys And Alians, (which none of us have seen yet) and Capt. Amarica. I am voting for one of the first three.

12:00am Phone rings. We are not going to a movie. Mom - as soon as she has dropped my older sister off at the bus station to go back to college - starts driving to Palo Alto. My grandmother's cousin (who we have always been pretty close to on acount of her having been an only child that never married) has had a stroke. We are all praying, but would apretiate you doing the same. Natallie is the same age as my grandmother who died last January, but I really, really don't want her to die. Please God let her not die. But then if she has had a stroke and lives she will probably never walk again, and possably be unable to function in some other equally important way, and I know that she would hate that, she might rather die. I don't know what to pray, and I don't know what to want. I'll just say "Your will be done Lord." 'cause God knows what is right and what is best. I can cast all my cares apon him and he will give me rest. I didn't mean for that to rhyme but I am not going to change it. I think I am going to go write a poem about it. (Or I would if I knew how to write poetry).

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