Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reading aloud

When we (myself and my older siblings) were little there was always a read aloud going. Every night we would sit down in the living room and Daddy would take out two books. 1. the bible and 2. what ever we were reading aloud at the time. Some of my favorites included The Scarlet Pimpernail, Black Fox of Lorne and The Lord of the Rings. We are now revisiting the past and reading The Lord of the Rings again. My little brother dosn't remeber that some of the hobbets at Bilbo's birthday party left by a back way and came back in at the front so as to get another presant. He dosn't remember Tom Bombadill or the scouring of the Shire. These are all things that he should know. Things that should always be available in the back of his mind incase he ever wants to revivsit them, and things that I like to revisit both in my mind and in the book. So we are reading again, and I am watching Bren get these things for the first time and through him I am seeing them newly too and it is fun.