Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday morning.

"A man learns nothing from winning. The act of losing however can elicit great wisdom. Not least of which is how much more enjoyable it is to win. It is enevitable to lose now and again. The trick is not to make a habit of it."
Uncle Henry - A Good Year

I love the rain. For some reason it means peace for me. It means curling up on the couch and watching "The Wind In The Willows" For perhaps the same unknown reason the movie "A Good Year" gives me the same peace. So with my quote I am giving you pictures of rain. Saddly I did not take these. I use my mom's camera and she refuses to let me take it out in the rain. So although I love pictures of rain I have rarely been able to take any. Oh well.

Maybe one of the reaons I love the rain is that I love umbrellas. And rain means umbrellas.

Maybe another reason I love rain is that I love ripples. And rain means ripples.

Maybe another reason is I love dancing in the rain.
It seems that I am not the only one.

What is it with dancing in the rain? Is it that there is some part of us that longs for rebelion and some how, for some reason dancing, out side in plane view of any one, in the rain, satisfies that? Or is it just that God made us to dance in the rain some times.

To find these pictures I went to Google Images and typed "dancing in the rain" This last picture is on a blog. Above it it says

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain."

I think that my question is answered.

Just FYI, no it is not raining here. And I havn't watched "A Good Year" in quite a while. Yes this is completly random. But you know the nice thing about random posts is that, that is what I am thinking about and if you don't care than don't read this post =).

1 comment:

  1. :D Random is good. Rain is good. Dancing is good. = This post is good to the power of 3!
