Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sorry I didn't post the last few days! Oh wait...you probably don't care. That's ok. It wasn't very interesting anyway. I'll go back and tell you all about it chronologically. *evil smile* =}

So Saturday afternoon my mom and I went to Walmart to pick up some things I needed for the dance and on the way over decided that I was gonna need a new dress. Which meant a trip to TJMaxx. I am not a huge TJ lover. They had one cute black dress. It fit perfectly, it was comfortable, it was modest...it was boring! I like it very much as a casual dress, but it was not the dress to wear to a dance. Oh well. The earrings worked really well, and I had tons of fun. On the drive home we sang "Down On The Corner" "Yellow Submarine" and Sam sang "Why Patty's Not At Work Today" a hilarious Irish ballad (that is always sung falsetto and in a Irish accent - and very well sung may I add). It was a blast =). Sunday I worked on the nursery, which means I did both services and didn't get to go to church =( and then I went shopping with some friends for a prom dress. Wow. It was the most depressing thing! Everything was either ugly, strapless, to expensive, or didn't fit! It was awful. And then yesterday. I got a consultation on getting my wisdom teeth pulled (and my mother refused to promise to keep me away from all phones/computer/video cameras!) and then I got to go get another filling. And that's pretty much what I did all day. Today has been lovely though! I think my second-worst-week-ever is over...I hope!

I'll post pictures of the dance as soon as someone emails me back with the link. Gosh, Scooter get on the computer already! You know your life revolves around what I need from you!

I'm feeling silly and sarcastic...can you all tell? =P