Thursday, April 11, 2013

Yesterday and today

So the end of yesterday was pretty much in character with the beginning and middle. I went back to the dentist around 3:00 and got two fillings. When I got home I found that Mommy had made a delicious dinner...that I couldn't eat because the entire left side of my mouth was numb. Then I got to go back to church to do more childcare. But this time instead of my favorite baby, there were the four Demon Children. It was a little bit awful. But I managed to get through it without yelling at anyone and I only put Demon Child 3 in time out once. My motivation all the way through was "Get through it. Go to Target. Get white earrings for the dance." I got through it. I got to Target. There were no white earrings. None. When I got home things took a turn for the better when I opened the dishwasher and found that I didn't have to unload it, because it was dirty, and then I got a nice hot bath and went to bed.

Today started out even worse than yesterday. I had a terrifying dream about an 8 year old psycho who threw her baby brother out of the seventh story window. It is absolutely impossible to describe how awful she was. I then woke up to the wonderful smell of the mess my dog had made all over the floor. And that is not hyperbole. It was all over the floor. The rest of the day has actually been quite nice though.

And just as I was writing that my mom called out "The dog has an upset stomach!" and she (the dog, not my mother) had made another mess. This time in the kitchen though >P. But oh well. These things happen right?

Back to the nice things that have happened today. We watched the latest episode of Psych. I got my allergy shots, which I guess isn't really nice per say but it wasn't bad. And then I went to Charming Charlie and got my earrings! They are very pretty. I'll post a picture on Sunday with the rest of the pictures from the dance =). I also got a really pretty black clutch at CC so my outfit for the dance is all ready. I tried it on, and I love it, I can't wait to share it with you!



  1. Every day is an adventure! :D

  2. Yes it is...I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or not...?
